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Download and Read Live Your Life - a Step by Step Workbook to Kick Start Your Life Doing Things You Love PDF

Read and Download Live Your Life - a Step by Step Workbook to Kick Start Your Life Doing Things You Love Online Book

ByGilbert Patten

Live Your Life - a Step by Step Workbook to Kick Start Your Life Doing Things You Love

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If you aren't happy with your current job or career, keep reading, cuz' you too, can make a living doing something you not only like doing, but are extremely passionate about as well. See the contents of the Workbook here: START DOING WORK YOU LOVE. Live Your Life - A Step By Step Workbook to Live Your Life Doing Things You Love Was Designed to Solve the Most Common Challenges that anybody in this world Is Dealing With. Any of these sound familiar? |With all of the interests I have, will I be working on the right one?| |Will doing work I love still be able to support me and my family?| |I'm afraid I'll feel like a fraud. I don't have an expertise people will pay me for.| |Am I too old?| |I have no idea how to start out in this.| |The burden of expectations from family and society is simply unbearable.| |No time! Too many priorities. Kids, family, work - it's endless.| If this sounds familiar, don't worry - you're not alone. Our community's sole purpose is to help you get from where you are now, to doing work that actually excites you! Here's the real question... When you're 80 years old, will you regret not taking the road less traveled and seeing what could have been possible? Your other options? You could hire a career coach to help you through the process, spending $100+/hr and up to $1,000+ per month... You could read dozens of books and take a boatload of self-assessments, wasting precious time and $500-$1000+... You could even do a weekend career change workshop and spend $500-$2500+ for just a few days! While these may and probably would help, they're crazy expensive! OR You could purchase this Work Book and do the exercises for little to minimal investment. Whats the Worst that could have happen? If your life don't change after doing all the exercises? Throw this book away and move on with your pitiful life. But If you are desperate for CHANGE, Put in Some Effort and I guarantee You WILL CHANGE! So What specifically will I learn from doing this workbook? The work book presents a framework to help you accomplish two core goals: 1. To discover your career and personal passions, strengths and talents 2. To build those talents and passions into a career or business that makes you come alive Do I have to become an entrepreneur? Nope. Living Your Life Workbook isn't only for people who want to start their own business. It's about finding and doing work that leverages your strengths, passions and who you are as a person, so you can start doing work that matters to you and to the world. Whatever that is, that's for you to decide, and our workbook is built to help make those decisions much more obvious. I can't just quit my job and start over. Is that what you're going to tell me to do? Not at all. If you look around, pretty much everyone has financial, personal and family obligations. The key is to find what excites you and begin to build a career around it long before you ever have to actually quit. That way there is a ton less risk and potential panic. Our goal is for you to make a transition that gives you the best chance at making your impact on the world. We've also seen a lot of those who did our exercises who find ways to apply their newly �discovered strengths to their current job, which leads to a whole new level of fulfillment and excitement, so they never even need to quit. It's pretty fun to see what's possible once you start making these discoveries! Do yourself a favor and get a copy for yourself or for someone you knows who needs this Now!

“All good books have one thing in common – they are truer than if they had really happened.” -Ernest Hemingway


If you aren't happy with your current job or career, keep reading, cuz' you too, can make a living doing something you not only like doing, but are extremely passionate about as well. See the contents of the Workbook here: START DOING WORK YOU LOVE. Live Your Life - A Step By Step Workbook to Live Your Life Doing Things You Love Was Designed to Solve the Most Common Challenges that anybody in this world Is Dealing With. Any of these sound familiar? |With all of the interests I have, will I be working on the right one?| |Will doing work I love still be able to support me and my family?| |I'm afraid I'll feel like a fraud. I don't have an expertise people will pay me for.| |Am I too old?| |I have no idea how to start out in this.| |The burden of expectations from family and society is simply unbearable.| |No time! Too many priorities. Kids, family, work - it's endless.| If this sounds familiar, don't worry - you're not alone. Our community's sole purpose is to help you get from where you are now, to doing work that actually excites you! Here's the real question... When you're 80 years old, will you regret not taking the road less traveled and seeing what could have been possible? Your other options? You could hire a career coach to help you through the process, spending $100+/hr and up to $1,000+ per month... You could read dozens of books and take a boatload of self-assessments, wasting precious time and $500-$1000+... You could even do a weekend career change workshop and spend $500-$2500+ for just a few days! While these may and probably would help, they're crazy expensive! OR You could purchase this Work Book and do the exercises for little to minimal investment. Whats the Worst that could have happen? If your life don't change after doing all the exercises? Throw this book away and move on with your pitiful life. But If you are desperate for CHANGE, Put in Some Effort and I guarantee You WILL CHANGE! So What specifically will I learn from doing this workbook? The work book presents a framework to help you accomplish two core goals: 1. To discover your career and personal passions, strengths and talents 2. To build those talents and passions into a career or business that makes you come alive Do I have to become an entrepreneur? Nope. Living Your Life Workbook isn't only for people who want to start their own business. It's about finding and doing work that leverages your strengths, passions and who you are as a person, so you can start doing work that matters to you and to the world. Whatever that is, that's for you to decide, and our workbook is built to help make those decisions much more obvious. I can't just quit my job and start over. Is that what you're going to tell me to do? Not at all. If you look around, pretty much everyone has financial, personal and family obligations. The key is to find what excites you and begin to build a career around it long before you ever have to actually quit. That way there is a ton less risk and potential panic. Our goal is for you to make a transition that gives you the best chance at making your impact on the world. We've also seen a lot of those who did our exercises who find ways to apply their newly �discovered strengths to their current job, which leads to a whole new level of fulfillment and excitement, so they never even need to quit. It's pretty fun to see what's possible once you start making these discoveries! Do yourself a favor and get a copy for yourself or for someone you knows who needs this Now!


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